
The US is the 8th most spammed nation in the world

In an article from USA Today, we are told that the Americas get an average of 18 spam calls per month! WOW, that is outrageous. While technology is advancing with caller ID telephone companies have been able to identify 26 billion spam calls, which is an 18% increase compared to 2018 for all countries. If you look at the United State individually you will see that the market saw a 7% increase in spam calls for just this year alone. In the US specifically, most spam calls are Robocalls . These types of calls have increased significantly from 7% to 35% which means that almost every third spam call is a robot generated. If you want to further explore this topic and see how much money Americans have lost from spam calls click here to read an article from truecaller. This article shows you charts that depict total money loss, average money loss and monthly money loss per scam. It really shows you have big this problem is and shows you how it is affecting our country. Persona

"A tattoo is a marriage, but a piercing is a mistress"

What happens if all of the online things you deal with everyday turn out to be electronic tattoos? What if they provide as much information about what and who you are as a real tattoo does?          - Juan Enriquez    I encourage you to read the above statement a couple of times and let that sink in. Now listen to his TED talk about the topic here . As a person who has tattoos thinking about it this way makes me really stop and think. The tattoos I have are expressing some part of me, they all have a specific meaning to me. But digital tattoos are not the only thing that we have to worry about. We also have to worry about facial recognition, sites like facebook are getting creepy good at recognizing who is what is a picture that you have taken. What if someone takes a picture of you and then gets all of your information just because you happened to be in a public place and their phone recognized your face? What if you can only be anonymous for 15 mins? These tattoos will

EOTO: Cord Cutting 101

What is Cord Cutting ? - "cutting the cord and canceling your TV and only paying for streaming services  So with this being said why does it matter? While yes it most likely a cheaper route if people continue to make this change steaming services may start to increase there prices.   As new streaming services come out like Disney+ and Apple TV people are pouring more and more money into these streaming services. Why wouldn't you want to choose what you want with little or no commercials at all?  In this chart, you can see that the number of people who are in fact cord-cutting is increasing The Pros of Cord Cutting -  - it saves you money  - Easy to Use  - Portability  The Cons of Cord Cutting -  -  Not  Exactly  Free  of  Change        (streaming service prices vary)  - HAVE TO HAVE BROADBAND                                                            INTERNET  -Minimal Sports Content                           

The 5 Eyes

They are always watchinggggg------- The 5 eyes are an intelligence agency that consists of five countries ( USA, UK, Australia, New Zeland, and Canada). Theses countries survey different parts of the world and then give each other their findings "unedited" meaning not tampered with. They give each other the raw footage so there is nothing that anyone can hide. In the image above you can see which country is responsible for monitoring which region.  The 5 eyes formed during WWII. The USA signed a treaty with the UK called the UKUSA agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence with Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the USA. At the time it was not specified as to what each country did until recent information about "what country surveys what" was unveiled. Upon reading this if you are in shook (as was I when reading this) you should also know that the 5 eyes are not the only survey intelligence agencies in place. Along with the 5 ey

Online Presence

Have you ever taken a step back and looked at your online presence? I am online all the time but I never actually think about the digital footprint I am leaving.  Laura, What Social Media sites are you apart of?  - Facebook  - Instagram - Twitter - TikTok - Snapchat - Pinterest - LinkedIn ... and those are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. Right there I am apart of 7 different social media sites. If you take those 7 sites plus all the shopping sites I have accounts with, email accounts, streaming services, blogs, or other sites relating to school. I have to be apart of at least 100 different sites.  In order to have an account for these various sites, you have to insert certain personal information. For example, your name, address, birthday, age, password, and answer security questions. On Facebook though, it is a different story. I feel that facebook is even more personal than any other social media site. Face

Diffusion of Innovation: Film Cameras

What is the Diffusion of Innovation?  Created by a man named Everett Rodger. This is a theory that tries to explain how, why and at what rate new ideas/ technology spreads by looking a five different key factors. The innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and the laggards.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking at the above picture we are able to see the model in which the theory is based on.  For example, let's look at Film Cameras through this lens.  Innovators : 1816 Exploratory Pin Hole Cameras/ Camera Obscura People began exploring the creation of cameras with the pinhole camera and the camera obscure.  Early Adopters : 1839 Louis Daguerre created the daguerreotype- creating the first permanent image using chemistry and light.  I think that people became early adoptors because it was a new cool thing that allowed you to capture things that you see in e