"A tattoo is a marriage, but a piercing is a mistress"

What happens if all of the online things you deal with everyday turn out to be electronic tattoos? What if they provide as much information about what and who you are as a real tattoo does?         - Juan Enriquez  
 I encourage you to read the above statement a couple of times and let that sink in. Now listen to his TED talk about the topic here.

 Click Here to Listen to the TED Talk!!!!

As a person who has tattoos thinking about it this way makes me really stop and think. The tattoos I have are expressing some part of me, they all have a specific meaning to me.

But digital tattoos are not the only thing that we have to worry about. We also have to worry about facial recognition, sites like facebook are getting creepy good at recognizing who is what is a picture that you have taken. What if someone takes a picture of you and then gets all of your information just because you happened to be in a public place and their phone recognized your face?

What if you can only be anonymous for 15 mins? These tattoos will last far longer than we will and may even help us acheive a form of immortatily. 
 Everything in today's world is online so everything you do follows your name or your account around. But no one really thinks about what happens to all the information that has been collected after you have died. What does happen with it? People always say once it's on the internet it is there forever so I guess Enriquez is right when he says that people are now able to be immortal.

How do you feel about being "immortal"? Personally, I find it to be a little disturbing that the internet will always have my information or have a record of everything I have ever done but maybe just maybe what I do could help someone in the future. But we will have to wait and see what influence I will have on the world.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!



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