Are we in a "new" depression?

The song "mad world" already has an eerie and depressing tone but when you pair it with this video it is even more powerful. This video is showing the negative sides of technology and how it is affecting our youth. The video has one young child in it that does not have a phone. Everyone around the child is glued to their phones and the child seems to be lonely. The loneliness of the child paired with the song leads you to believe that the child is depressed. 

I think that this video is an accurate representation of what our society is coming too. Children are starting to use technology at very young ages now. Parents are throwing devices in children's faces to make them be quite which is a good use of resources but can cause children to become reliant on phones or screens. Technology is a great resource but it can cause people to only want to socialize via a screen and not human to human interaction. 


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