Online Presence

Have you ever taken a step back and looked at your online presence? I am online all the time but I never actually think about the digital footprint I am leaving. 

Image result for online  footprint

Laura, What Social Media sites are you apart of? 
- Facebook 
- Instagram
- Twitter
- TikTok
- Snapchat
- Pinterest
- LinkedIn

... and those are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
Right there I am apart of 7 different social media sites. If you take those 7
sites plus all the shopping sites I have accounts with, email accounts, streaming
services, blogs, or other sites relating to school. I have to be apart of at least
100 different sites. 

In order to have an account for these various sites, you have to insert certain
personal information. For example, your name, address, birthday, age,
password, and answer security questions. On Facebook though, it is a different
story. I feel that facebook is even more personal than any other social media
site. Facebook wants to know your interests. They want you to share your
favorite bands, food, books, and magazines so you can bond with others over
your interests. 

When I first created my facebook account I was young and social media was
on the rise so we were not told it could be a bad place. I originally put my phone
number on facebook and people actually texted me saying "I got your number
off facebook". I had no idea that facebook made it so the pubic could see my
number and needless to say, after that, I made sure that all my information
was private.

Overall, social media was designed to bring us closer together or to share our
lives with one another but does it actually help society? BBC News did an article
discussing this question. Many people have their own opinions on the effects of
social media but scientists still have yet to 100% prove social media is a good
thing or a bad thing. 

I personally think that social media can be both negative and positive. 

Negative: - body shaming - "goals" - unrealistic expectations
Positive: - fun - connects you with international friends- allows you to be
apart of someone's life even if you are not with them

It just depends on how the users interact with the program. If people constantly
try to be someone they are not then it becomes a toxic thing that sucks people
in. But if people use social media to share their actual lives and who they truly
are then it can be a very healthy and helpful thing to stay in contact with one

Thanks for tuning in this week! Look back next week for another media insite! - LP


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