EOTO: Cord Cutting 101

What is Cord Cutting?
- "cutting the cord and canceling your TV and only paying for streaming services 

So with this being said why does it matter? While yes it most likely a cheaper route if people continue to make this change steaming services may start to increase there prices.  

As new streaming services come out like Disney+ and Apple TV people are pouring more and more money into these streaming services. Why wouldn't you want to choose what you want with little or no commercials at all? 
In this chart, you can see that the number of people who are in fact cord-cutting is increasing

The Pros of Cord Cutting - 

- it saves you money 
- Easy to Use 
- Portability 

The Cons of Cord Cutting - 

-  Not  Exactly  Free  of  Change       
(streaming service prices vary) 
-Minimal Sports Content                 
                                                          *but is changing 
- You have to watch a show after it 
 has aired unless it is a streaming 


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