The 5 Eyes

They are always watchinggggg-------

The 5 eyes are an intelligence agency that consists of five countries ( USA, UK, Australia, New Zeland, and Canada). Theses countries survey different parts of the world and then give each other their findings "unedited" meaning not tampered with. They give each other the raw footage so there is nothing that anyone can hide.

In the image above you can see which country is responsible for monitoring which region. 

The 5 eyes formed during WWII. The USA signed a treaty with the UK called the UKUSA agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence with Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the USA. At the time it was not specified as to what each country did until recent information about "what country surveys what" was unveiled.

Upon reading this if you are in shook (as was I when reading this) you should also know that the 5 eyes are not the only survey intelligence agencies in place. Along with the 5 eyes, there is the 9 eyes and the 14 eyes. These are like the 5 eyes but just include more countries.
The 5 eyes are a smaller group located within the 9 eyes and then the 9 eyes are a smaller group located inside the 14 eyes 


Well, If you were to look at my previous blog post about your online presence you will notice that there is A LOT of information about you online! Meaning that anything you put on the internet, look up on the internet or anything you access on the internet is being recorded by the five eyes. While yes you are only one small person of a billion+ people, what you are doing still matters to them. The whole point of the system is to be able to watch what people are doing so id someone is planning anything sketchy then they are able to plan for it or go after them.


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