Diffusion of Innovation: Film Cameras

What is the Diffusion of Innovation? 
Created by a man named Everett Rodger. This is a theory that tries to explain how, why and at what rate new ideas/ technology spreads by looking a five different key factors. The innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and the laggards. 


Looking at the above picture we are able to see the model in which the theory is based on. 

For example, let's look at Film Cameras through this lens. 

Innovators: 1816 Exploratory Pin Hole Cameras/ Camera Obscura
People began exploring the creation of cameras with the pinhole camera and the camera obscure. 

Early Adopters: 1839 Louis Daguerre created the daguerreotype- creating the first permanent image using chemistry and light. 
I think that people became early adoptors because it was a new cool thing that allowed you to capture things that you see in everyday life or of loved ones without having to pay a fortune for someone to paint them. 

Early Majority: 1885 George Eastman- founded Kodak and created paper film mainstream. Paper that is reactive towards the light.

Tipping Point: 1908 the creation of the Kodak Brownie camera. It was affordable, easy to use and marketed towards children (hints the name).  

Late Adopter: 1913 35mm Camera- but it was still expensive

Laggards: 1982 Holga Toy Cameras- they were cheap and easy to use so literally anyone could use them. 


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