
Showing posts from September, 2019

Are we in a "new" depression?

The song "mad world" already has an eerie and depressing tone but when you pair it with this video it is even more powerful. This video is showing the negative sides of technology and how it is affecting our youth. The video has one young child in it that does not have a phone. Everyone around the child is glued to their phones and the child seems to be lonely. The loneliness of the child paired with the song leads you to believe that the child is depressed.  I think that this video is an accurate representation of what our society is coming too. Children are starting to use technology at very young ages now. Parents are throwing devices in children's faces to make them be quite which is a good use of resources but can cause children to become reliant on phones or screens. Technology is a great resource but it can cause people to only want to socialize via a screen and not human to human interaction. 

Why is getting a "B" so bad???

"Fielding an existential meltdown, complete with a crying jag, is not part of my professional training. " said a student interviewed by the American Conservative Today, the stress of getting good grades causes many emotional break downs among students. Grades and GPA's are becoming the only way to differentiate between a "successful" person. But that is not necessarily true. There are so many other factors that contribute to whether you will be successful or not. For example, someone may just be a bad test taker but in a real-life situation, they may be able to react quickly on their feet. In the education world, the grading system has changed drastically. A- excellent B- above average C- Average D- Below Average F- Ask for help  Above is what teachers now use to grade. But what is sad is that the average is now a C which technically is not bad but for someone who is trying to maintain a certain GPA this could affect them if their work is just av

Investigation round 2?

Facebook is up to no good AGAIN. Originally, Facebook was under fire for exposing the data of 50 million users without their direct consent of the users. But it turns out that number was actually higher then what facebook had reported in turn forcing CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to testify in front of congress. However this was not the first scandal that Facebook has been involved with, it is just one that was very publicized in the news. Others include but are not limited to Cambridge Analytica, retaining users' deleted videos, internal political struggles, Russia meddling and "fake news", and public profiles being scrapped to name a few. So why are millions of people still using facebook if it is under so much controversy? Well, the percent of users have actually dropped 5% from 2018 after it was released that Facebook was sending out the user information. But that number did not drop as much as I thought that it would. I think that people continue to use faceb

U.S. Supreme Court

Spoken from the mouth of Elle Woods (in Legally blonde), "what like its hard?" Well to some people, including myself, learning about the government and politics can be a bit challenging. Hopefully, this blog post will help dumb down the Supreme Court and how a bill gets there. So let's start with the basics...... What is the Supreme Court?  The Supreme Court is the highest judicial court in a state. The court is currently made up of 9 Justices who were appointed by the president and then confirmed by the Senate. What does the Supreme Court do?  This court is the final court that you could possibly reach in the appeal system. Once the Court Justices make their descision it is final and cannot be appealed. Why is it so important?  To make sure that people are being tried fairly. It is also important in keeping things equal and fair between states. The supreme court is higher than state courts for a reason. For other information click here !

"Are you listening?"

In today's society, almost everyone knows or has an Alexa. They are great tools for everyday use but is our communication technology being taken too far? While on one hand, they are always there if you have a question, what to good something, spell something and or what they to turn the lights on. But the reason they are so amazing is that they are ALWAYS listening for their wake word. ARKANSAS - In 2015 James Bates was on trial for murder and the prosecutors suspended the audio from the Alexa device in his home where he allegedly murdered his friend. Even though this trial was in 2015 last month amazon filed a notion saying that using the audio from Bates' Alexa was actually a violation of his First Amendment Right. This story makes me question whether or not using the audiotape in the murder investigation is considered fair. When the first amendment was created we did not have all of theses communication devices so how are people going to say that they are or are not a