Investigation round 2?

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Facebook is up to no good AGAIN.

Originally, Facebook was under fire for exposing the data of 50 million users without their direct consent of the users. But it turns out that number was actually higher then what facebook had reported in turn forcing CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to testify in front of congress.

However this was not the first scandal that Facebook has been involved with, it is just one that was very publicized in the news. Others include but are not limited to Cambridge Analytica, retaining users' deleted videos, internal political struggles, Russia meddling and "fake news", and public profiles being scrapped to name a few.

So why are millions of people still using facebook if it is under so much controversy?
Well, the percent of users have actually dropped 5% from 2018 after it was released that Facebook was sending out the user information. But that number did not drop as much as I thought that it would. I think that people continue to use facebook because they are already on it. Other people are still using it so what is the point in stopping?

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