U.S. Supreme Court

Spoken from the mouth of Elle Woods (in Legally blonde), "what like its hard?" Well to some people, including myself, learning about the government and politics can be a bit challenging. Hopefully, this blog post will help dumb down the Supreme Court and how a bill gets there.

So let's start with the basics......

What is the Supreme Court? 

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial court in a state. The court is currently made up of 9 Justices who were appointed by the president and then confirmed by the Senate.

What does the Supreme Court do? 

This court is the final court that you could possibly reach in the appeal system. Once the Court Justices make their descision it is final and cannot be appealed.

Why is it so important? 
To make sure that people are being tried fairly. It is also important in keeping things equal and fair between states. The supreme court is higher than state courts for a reason.

For other information click here!


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