Why is getting a "B" so bad???

"Fielding an existential meltdown, complete with a crying jag, is not part of my professional training. " said a student interviewed by the American Conservative

Today, the stress of getting good grades causes many emotional break downs among students. Grades and GPA's are becoming the only way to differentiate between a "successful" person. But that is not necessarily true. There are so many other factors that contribute to whether you will be successful or not. For example, someone may just be a bad test taker but in a real-life situation, they may be able to react quickly on their feet.

In the education world, the grading system has changed drastically.
A- excellent
B- above average
C- Average
D- Below Average
F- Ask for help 
Above is what teachers now use to grade. But what is sad is that the average is now a C which technically is not bad but for someone who is trying to maintain a certain GPA this could affect them if their work is just average and not above average. Sometimes they have to keep a 3.5 GPA but if they are continually getting an "average" grade they will not maintain that GPA. Especially when teachers are grading papers sometimes it can be completely opinion based so if the teacher does not like the topic they could give you a lower grade. But they do not want students to think or know that.

Having a C be considered average is causing some students to lose financial aid or in the case of the article not being able to remain an athlete. I am not saying that this is the fault of all the teachers. That is not what I am saying at all. I am just saying that this is something everyone should keep in mind. Especially pushy parents that are upset that their child got a "B".


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