The Most Important Value of Free Expression

To me, the most important value of free expression would be "a market place of ideas." 

In my Media, Law, and Literacy class we defined a market place of ideas as... 
This value was first suggested Milton, who first said that when truth falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, the truth will win out. and the grappling makes the truth even stronger. His arguement against requiring a license to print/publish. We want a free flow of information. 

 Why is it so important? 

I always believe that people should have free-flowing of ideas. When people share their ideas other individuals are able to distinguish fact from fiction when we hear their ideas. If you only have one opinion told then you will only think that one thing is true.  

Being able to look and hear multiple different ideas you are able to pick and choose what you like or dislike. It allows individuals to choose for themselves. If this was not an option then we would be living in an authoritarian or totalitarian society. But in our liberal society we are able to choose from a multitude of things or ideas to form our own personal ideas. 

Without "a market place of ideas" we would be told what we like or funneled information that we would have to take at face value because we would not have anything else to compare it too. 

But just like with everything in our world there are critiques who are against this idea.. below is a video explaining the "metephor." 


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