Digital Marketing:

Definition: "Digital marketing is any form of marketing products or service that involves electronic devices" 
Originally marketing started with advertisements in newspapers, ads on the radio, billboards, and commercials on the tv. But since the creation of the internet, there are so many more ways to market products. 

The rise of social media has brought the rise of paid bloggers and "public figures". People who have a lot of followers on various social media accounts might be approached to promote various products. Most likely if you follow someone on social media you feel connected to them or want to be them so asking influencers to promote your products might also make their follows want to try them because their "idol" is using it. This is not the only form of online marketing but it is probably the one that we see or notice on a daily basis. 
There 7 major categories of Online Marketing:
1. Search engine optimization
2. Search Engine Marketinng
3. Content Marketing
4. Social Media Marketing (what I was refering too)
5. Pay-per-click advertising
6 Affiliate Marketing
7. Email Marketing
Each one is more helpful in certain situations and you have to choose when you think one of the 7 is appropriate. If you are interested in learning more about the 7 major types click here on the link and it will discuss them! 


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