
Showing posts from October, 2019

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! Eat drink and be scary. Enjoy all the scary movies and trick or treating that you will be partaking in tonight! Please be careful and safe!  If all else fails, draw a door ------- (all my Beetlejuice fans should know this quote) Happy Haunting! LP

The Most Important Value of Free Expression

To me, the most important value of free expression would be "a market place of ideas."  In my Media, Law, and Literacy class we defined a market place of ideas as...  This value was first suggested Milton, who first said that when truth falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, the truth will win out. and the grappling makes the truth even stronger. His arguement against requiring a license to print/publish. We want a free flow of information.   Why is it so important?  I always believe that people should have free-flowing of ideas. When people share their ideas other individuals are able to distinguish fact from fiction when we hear their ideas. If you only have one opinion told then you will only think that one thing is true.   Being able to look and hear multiple different ideas you are able to pick and choose what you like or dislike. It allows individuals to choose for themselves. If this was not an option then we would be living in an authoritarian

The New iPhone 11

What are the differences between the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 11 Pro? as you can see there are many differences between the two phones. The one difference that I am interested in is the cameras!! I love photography and having three different cameras on an iPhone is CRAZY!!!!   The different lens is a photographer's dream! There is a normal lens, a telephoto lens, and a wide lens. With a real camera, you would be spending 3x the amount of money on just the lens. Plus if you want to switch between the 3, you would have to take the lens on and off.  To check out more information on the iPhone click here! ! 

Digital Marketing:

Definition: "Digital marketing is any form of marketing products or service that involves electronic devices"  Originally marketing started with advertisements in newspapers, ads on the radio, billboards, and commercials on the tv. But since the creation of the internet, there are so many more ways to market products.  The rise of social media has brought the rise of paid bloggers and "public figures". People who have a lot of followers on various social media accounts might be approached to promote various products. Most likely if you follow someone on social media you feel connected to them or want to be them so asking influencers to promote your products might also make their follows want to try them because their "idol" is using it. This is not the only form of online marketing but it is probably the one that we see or notice on a daily basis.  There 7 major categories of Online Marketing: 1. Search engine optimization 2. Search Engine

Most Prolific Serial Killer in US History

Samuel Little  The FBI has confirmed that Samuel Little is the most prolific serial Killing in U.S. History. Little has confessed to strangling 93 victims between 1970-2005. Fifty of those confessions have been verified and more are pending. Little was originally convicted in 2014 and is currently serving three life sentences for murdering three women. He has recently been confessing to more murders while talking with a Texas Ranger. The police have now updated the location map of all of his killings and are asking the public to contact authorities if they think they may know anything about the "Jane Does". If you go to the FBI website  you will see.....  - that Little has hand-drawn some pictures of his victims to help identify them.  - If you want to listen to one of his confessions tapes click here


Who : Kevin Systram and Mike Krieger What : A social media app where users are able to share videos and pictures When : 2010 Where : San Francisco Why is it important ? : It has had both negative and positive impacts on society. - Positive- you are able to share photos with friends around the world - Negative- it creates a false sense of body image and an idea of "goals" that people feel like they have to live up too WoW : there are roughly 80 million photos shared on Instagram per day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personally, I use Instagram to keep up with my friends that no longer live near me. It is also useful for businesses to market their products. People are always trying to stay trendy so having "Instagram famous" people promote your product can help push people toward your product.

How to Get the Grade Without the Hassel

Have you ever heard of the term Ghost Writing or Ghost Writer? If not, it is someone who is paid to write an article or paper but the person who pays to have the writing gets all the credit. This form of writing can be a very useful tool, but students have turned this tool into something a little less ethical. This form of writing is not the most popular, but it is on the rise in high schools and universities. Even one of High Point University Panthers has used an online ghost-writing service and passed the paper off as her own work. For the fear of getting suspended, I will refer to the student as Panther so they will remain anonymous. Panther “was running out of time on (her) assignment and had a bunch of other things that (she)    needed to do,”. This is one of the many reasons students may use an online writing service instead of writing the paper themselves. Panther had the writer write a paper for her Literature class claiming, “the writer had already read the book I was w