
Showing posts from December, 2019

Thanks for taking this class with me!!!

Thank you all for reading my Media, Law and Literacy blog. As the semester comes to an end so is the blog. I am sad to see it go but before I leave I wanted to thank you all for taking a journey through Media, Law, and Literacy with me!!! - LP

The US is the 8th most spammed nation in the world

In an article from USA Today, we are told that the Americas get an average of 18 spam calls per month! WOW, that is outrageous. While technology is advancing with caller ID telephone companies have been able to identify 26 billion spam calls, which is an 18% increase compared to 2018 for all countries. If you look at the United State individually you will see that the market saw a 7% increase in spam calls for just this year alone. In the US specifically, most spam calls are Robocalls . These types of calls have increased significantly from 7% to 35% which means that almost every third spam call is a robot generated. If you want to further explore this topic and see how much money Americans have lost from spam calls click here to read an article from truecaller. This article shows you charts that depict total money loss, average money loss and monthly money loss per scam. It really shows you have big this problem is and shows you how it is affecting our country. Persona